NCATC's 35th Anniversary Conference
hosted by
September 20–22, 2023
Welcome to the mobile program for the NCATC35 Conference. All the information you will need for an enjoyable conference experience is accessible from this page. Scroll down to see the daily schedule of events. Registration is still open. For more on the National Coalition of Advanced Technology Centers, go here.
NCATC Strategic Pillars
- The Future of Work, Industry 4.0/x.0, Smart Manufacturing & Automation
- Work-Based Learning: Apprenticeships, Internships, Co-Ops, and Entrepreneurship
- Competency-Based Learning and Industry Recognized Credentials
- Adult Education and Learning Opportunities | Access, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (ADEIB)
Welcome & Opening Remarks VIEW

President, WSU Tech
The Power of Resiliency: How I Transitioned from a Statistic to a Success VIEW

President, South Central College
Immersive Session A
DEIB—The South Central Way VIEW

Dr. Annette Parker
President, South Central College

Dr. John Harper
VP DEI, South Central College

Center for Broadening Participation in STEM, Arizona State University
Gold Sponsor Breakout Session: Nano Dimension (Salon 1) VIEW

Manager of Strategic Workforce Programs, Nano Dimension
Defining the "B": Centering Belonging and Access in the Manufacturing and Technology Workforce VIEW

Fellow, The Century Foundation
ADEIB Panel of DEI Experts: Century Foundation Colleges
Michelle Burris
The Century Foundation

Dr. Richard Ammon
VP Education & CAO, College of Lake County

Dave Grunklee
Dean of Applied Science & Engineering, Hawkeye Community College

Greg Wilson
Academic Dean, Pima Community College
Diamond Sponsor Update
Gene Haas Foundation | HTEC

Kathy Looman
EDU Director, Gene Haas Foundation

Smart Manufacturing: A National Imperative Requiring Local Mobilization and Engagement VIEW

Chief Workforce Development Officer, SME

Amanda Sizemore
VP St. Charles CC, Past President NCATC

Anne Gielczyk
VP NOCTI Business Solutions
Smart Manufacturing and Workforce Development Opportunities at the U.S. Department of Energy VIEW

Industrial Assessment Centers Program Manager in the Office of Manufacturing and Energy Supply Chains at the U.S. Department of Energy
IIOT in Smart Manufacturing (AI, Robotics, Additive, Cybersecurity and More) for Education and Workforce Development VIEW

Tony Oran
CEO, CoderZ

David Aguirre
Industrial Internet of Things Professional, Gateway TC

Jenni Purvis
Global Transformational Sales Director, IIoT at Cisco

Ritch Ramey
Director of Education, Association for Advancing Automation (A3)
NCATC Strategic Partner Sponsor Three- and Five-Minute Pitches
Nano Dimension, Snap-On, Amatrol, Deloitte, Festo, IACMI, Intelitek/CoderZ, NIMS, SMC, Tallo, Tooling U-SME, Workforge, Zeiss

SME & NCATC Strategic Partner Committee Co-Chair
The CHIPS Act and Impacting Diversification of the Workforce in the Semiconductor Industry VIEW

Executive Director, SEMI Foundation
Workforce Development in the Semiconductor Technology / CHIPS Act World VIEW

Anthony Ponder, Ed.D.
Provost, Sinclair College

Johnny Vanderford
Director & Assistant Professor, PCB Mfg/Design, MEMS & Mechatronics, Lorain County CC

Doyle Edwards
Director, Government Programs, Brewer Science

Jared Ashcroft
Center Director, Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC)
Immersive Session F
Industry Partnerships to the Rescue: Filling the Growing CTE Instructor Shortages VIEW

Marcella (Marci) Gale
Mechatronics Faculty, Programs Head, Central Virginia CC

William (Danny) Murphy
Mechatronics Faculty, Co-PI, Central Virginia CC
Immersive Session G
Need for Speed: CTE Industry Partnerships and Skill Development VIEW

Gail Norris
US Lead, SITRAIN Digital Industries Learning, Digital Industries Division at Siemens Industry

Amy Howell
Program Developer, Lorain County CC

Emily Howarth
Program Manager NextGen Service, Siemens

Annette Vickers
Sr. Research Manager, The ARM Institute
The Hidden Innovation Infrastructure (HII): Defining Workforce Education’s impact on Economic Development and Innovation VIEW

Dr. Marilyn Barger
Sr. Educational Advisor, FLATE & Florida Makes

Allison Forbes
VP for Research, Center for Regional Economic Competitiveness (via Zoom)

Chair, School of Computer Science | Building and Architectural Technology, and Associate Vice President, College of Business, Engineering & Technology, Daytona State College